Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Idol's Horoscopes: Winner Prediction?

There's been a lot of speculation about tonight's results and which David will take the title.

Here are a few of them:

There's no question that Archuleta out-sang Cook last night, but Cook has turned in more consistently memorable performances throughout the season. Result = Draw.

The person Paula has picked a song for during top three week has never gone on to win the show. Result = Cook will win.

Only one contestant who performed first at the finale took the title. Result = Archie is more likely to win.

Some of Archie's teenybopper fans couldn't vote the full four hours on a school night, but a lot of Cook's "older" fans we're falling asleep while voting as well. Result = Draw.

Cook wore the black vest of doom, despite my desperate warning not to in the 11th hour (thanks for dropping the ball on getting that message passed, Andrew!) Result = Archie should win.

All of the online polls and statistics sites agree = Cook will win.

Finally, the following was just brought to my attention. According to each of the David's horoscopes for today, Cook will win:

David Cook (Sagittarius) - You confidence could get you exactly where you need to be right now, either in your career or in your romantic life -- or in both! Seek out the people who make you feel like you're a rock star, and reboot your ego. Once you're feeling more self-assured, dramatic results should show up right away -- possibly by tonight. This could be the start of a very powerful phase for you -- you are capable of achieving great things, you just need to believe it.

David Archuleta (Capricorn) - If you want to make a change in your life, that's a fine idea, today -- but take it slowly. Rushing toward what you think you want deprives you of the chance to think things through at each crossroads. Don't move at an unconscious speed -- you have to be mindful of each step you take. If you swing from extreme to extreme, you'll spend so much energy trying to get back into balance that the progress you made will be pointless. In the end, slow and steady beats fast and frantic every time.

One thing's for sure, the pause Ryan will emit between "And the winner of American Idol season 7 is, David...." and their corresponding last name will go on for a ridiculously long time.

1 comment:

tkwagner said...

All signs seem to point to Cook!!