Live with Regis & Kelly Interview & "Angels" performance
EW's Idolatry Video Interviews with David Archuleta: Parts 1 & 2, Part 3
EW's Idolatry Video Interviews with Syesha
The Morning Show with Mike & Juliet - Interview & performance of "If I Ain't Got You" VIDEO
Yesterday was Jason Castro Day in Rockwall, TX and they basically did all the same parade/performance/celebration stuff they would have done for the show had Jason made the top three. I don't remember any town ever doing this for a contestant post-Idol, so yay for Rockwall and Castro!
Bonus points for busting out the ukulele for "Deep in the Heart of Texas"!
Buy it on iTunes. Add him on MySpace. Support your American Idol 2008!
Congratulations on becoming the new American Idol!!! :)
Only one week until the confetti flies and the winner is crowned. Let's see who will be duking it out...
This week's results show opens with another cheesy group number, as the top three are forced to sing "Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now." I tune out around the time Syesha urges me to, "listen to every word I say."
Twice Ryan mentions that 56 million votes were counted in order to achieve this week's result.
The Ford Music Video features the song "How Far is Heaven" as the contestants visit a fortune teller who forssees an episode of Cribz in each of the top 3's near future. Instead of Hummers and Bentley's however, all Cook gets to look forward to are two Fords.
Roll tape of last night's ménage à trois of performances.
Then Fantasia performs "Bore Me" and it is truly a WTF? performance. She's gained weight and is sporting braces and bright red hair. 90% of the lyrics are incomprehensible, she sounds raspy as hell and the dancing...well, Simon's face says it all...
After the commercial break, Ryan reminds us that the Idols Live! tour tickets go on sale on Saturday and that the Jordin Sparks postage stamps are now available.
Time for the results. Archie is called out first. They roll footage of his trip back home to Murray, Utah in which he is attacked by his highschool cheerleaders, sings "Imagine," visits the radio station and the Gateway Mall, and wonders where everyone parked. Then, in a new twist, they decide to air each of the top three's journey videos, which is actually kind of cool since the top two have always gotten cheated out of that.
Syesha's up next, and I can't help but notice that they've recalled the hair extensions in honor of her inevitable elimination. She visited Tampa Bay, Florida along with several other surrounding cities. Her turnouts do not rival those of the David's, she gets a baby thrown at her, her dad admits to struggling with drug addiction in the past and currently enjoying a "natural high," and the mayor upstages her by doing a handstand.
Then of course it's Cook's turn in the spotlight, only they pull his brother Andrew up on stage to thank him for making it happen (haha, I met him before he was famous!). David got his own crying girl, visited his former teacher Mrs. Gentry, rode in a parade and performed for 12,000 people at his high school. There's an error on Ryan's cue card, and Roberta Flack is confused with Chaka Khan.
The judges are consulted, and Simon says if he gets the finale he wants it's going to be a "humdinger."
Syesha gets the Vonzell/K-Lo treatment and reprises "If I Ain't Got You." Here's hopin' that Mr. Mercado has learned that crack is whack.
And so, predictably, it will be a David vs. David finale, in the first male showdown since season two. Archie won the coin toss and will be performing last next week.
We're down to the "top" three, the finale's only a week away and it's time to board the Idol merry-go-round and we endure three rounds of songs, critiques, phone numbers and interviews. Hold on tight, 'cuz you won't wanna miss a thing...
Round One: Judges' Choice
Paula chose "And So It Goes" by Billy Joel for Archuleta. Note that NO contestant Paula has chosen for has ever gone on to win the show, and 5 of the 6 contestants who performed first during top three week were then eliminated. After a brief violin opening, Archie sings a cappella, which was a very smart move. He delivers a beautiful vocal, arguably the best of the night (although I enjoyed Cook's closing song the best in rehearsal). And so it goes...and so it goes...and so it that felt way longer on TV, but no matter. I'm proud of the kid. A
Randy's choice for Syesha is "If I Ain't Got You" by Alicia Keys, which *interestingly* enough, she already performed on a show called "The One." She wears a sparkly lounge singer dress (DC was fascinated by the reflection it cast on the stage in rehearsal), and it is a very standard Syesha performance that lacks the grittiness of Alicia's vocal and delivery and feels a bit uneven. B
Simon went on record saying that he wanted to pick Cook's song so that he could "push him in a different direction" (interesting, since he's also said he'd listen to him "on a personal level.") Simon's choice for D-Cook is Roberta Flack's "If Ever I Saw Your Face" which has *curiously* already been covered by Simon's prodigy Leona Lewis (Simon's sit-in joked that it was a great song choice, which had DC in stitches). Cook sounds a bit off for the first half of the song and ends with his signature shouty note (not hatin', although shouting about YOUR FACE did seem a tad strange). LOVE the shots of his mom standing and swaying in the audience and when his dad mouthed "Who was the first?" when Paula said it was her second favorite rendition of the song. David brought out a Guitar Hero guitar in rehearsal and acted like he was going to "play" it at first. My friend shouted out that we wanted to see him "on the piano" because we had heard that he plays. He cleared up that rumor, saying that he plays a little but not enough to do it in a performance. Then he said he was "terrible" but I think he was talking about Guitar Hero because I've also heard that--like most guitar players--he's no good. A-
Round Two: Contestant's Choice
In an attempt to appear current (and suspend reality), Archie chose Chris Brown's "With You." This made me giggle, because it involves such choice lyrics as "My Boo," and "Hey little mama," but he totally ended up killing it in rehearsal by playing to the crowd and adding some funky fresh moves (one girl actually cried, LOL). Then things fell apart on TV, and the middle was a complete mess as he struggled with the lyrics. It did however result in the best line of the night, when, after expressing my dismay over his forgetting the words again, Mini-Me exclaimed (in all seriousness) "OMG! He must have amnesia or something!" :::Pauses for laughter::: I'll average out the two versions of the performance I saw and give this a B-.
Syesha delivers a sultry cabaret performance of Peggy Lee's "Fever" with a chair in a dangerously short dress. Paris Bennett did this song in season 5 and it wasn't nearly as :::ahem::: hot. Still, burning hot for Syesha is kinda like lukewarm for Cook. She can ACT sexy but I don't find myself wanting to switch teams when I watch her Haley Scarnat-ho it up, ya know? Props to her for loosening up this week and having fun. She knows she's got little chance of making the finale and isn't stressin'. See ya on Broadway, girl! A-
Cook originally chose Collective Soul's "The World I Know" but then changed his pick to Switchfoot's "Dare You to Move" for whatever reason. He experienced feedback in rehearsal as well as issues choreographing the dis-assembly of the guitar, resulting in maximum Cookie time on stage. The song itself was predictable, safe, and felt like it was over in a flash but I ain't mad at him. Also spotted, the best sign ever: "Cougars 4 Cook!" LOL. A-
Round Three: Producer's Choice
The producers (Nigel?) chose "Longer" by Dan Fogelberg for Archie's final song. I hated that they picked such a dreary ballad for him but he sang it well. It was pretty boring and forgettable, but not his fault. A-
Syesha got to "have fun" again with "Hit Me Up" from the Happy Feet soundtrack. Um, yeah. W T F producers? Could your intentions BE any more obvious? She makes the most of it, but it still won't be enough to "save" her. B+
Finally, a decent song choice from the producers: D-Cook has been assigned "I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing" by Aerosmith, which Antonella Barba butchered last year. Don't get me wrong, it's no "Iris," but a solid song choice nonetheless. The assembly of the strings on stage was brilliant, and I got chills while listening to this because I felt like (okay, imagined) he was singing to me. Cook didn't go for the big notes Steven Tyler hits, but that was probably wise after what happened when MJ attempted Aerosmith. A
* * *
On the way out we talked to a few of Archie's family members and got to meet "David Cook's Awesome Brother" Andrew who lived up to his awesome title and was as nice as could be (he confirmed that he'll be auditioning again next year so keep an eye out for him).
Elliott Yamin is the only male to ever finish in third place.
None of the contestants Paula has ever been assigned to choose a song for during top 3 week have gone on to win.
Sanjaya sported at least eight different hairstyles during his run on the show.
Every one of this year's top 6 girls was either married or engaged. Those same six girls performed at the beginning of the top 20 girls show.
Songs from the Shrek soundtrack have been featured 5 times this season.Met Cryin' Ashley in line for rehearsal. (How jealous are YOU?)
...and to get up close and personal with dolphins.
Next week the Final Four will be singing songs that helped shape and inspire rock 'n roll according to the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame. Which basically means that they can choose any two songs off of this list, provided that the artist is willing to give up the rights (so far, U2 has been off limits). I was briefly excited about the theme, until I actually read the list. Looks like AI is finally making up for (read: getting us back after) cutting the group numbers during Hollywood Week. Lots of great artists, but not necessarily their best songs. The list also contains an alarming number of songs that have already been performed this season, or were a mega-smash with a previous contestant like Bo and Chris and therefore cannot be touched. Oh boy.
Here goes:
THE ROCKER: Everyone assumes this will be D-Cook's week to shine, but for me, he shines every week and I don't think the list of songs to choose from is going to do him any favors. He's also going to have to try and dig deeper than the more obvious choices and be on top of his game (I really hope get gets that much needed vocal rest). I am unenthusiastically suggesting David Bowie's "Ziggy Stardust," "Back in Black" (AC/DC) and a hipper unplugged version of "Layla" than when Eric Clapton covered it. DC's brother Adam has expressed a love for Duran Duran and presumably wants him to cover something by them, however the only choice on the list is "Hungry Like the Wolf" and I'm not feelin' it. Also, before ya'll go crazy with the Nirvana suggestion of "Smells Like Teen Spirit," DC has said he isn't a fan of theirs (although that song ironically suits him the best). Maybe he'll take one for the team.
THE DIVA: Does anyone really care what Syesha sings? "Respect," and "Chain of Fools" are the obvious choices, but I'd rather she talk a half-step outside the box with "When Doves Cry" (the Romeo & Juliet soundtrack version) and "Summertime Blues" by Eddie Cochran (which Jason could also do).
THE DREADHEAD: Jason would do good with "Hotel California" (The Eagles), "No Woman, No Cry" (Bob Marley), "American Pie" by Don McLean, my previous suggestions of Ben E. King's "Stand by Me" and The Beatles' "Norwegian Wood" (although I'm sure we've all had enough Beatles for one season).
THE JAIL BAIT: And for Archie we have "I Want You Back" by The Jackson 5 (simply because it is less painful than "ABC") and the Danny Noriega version of "Proud Mary."