-He was pissed when he found out he'd have to sing "This is My Now" last year because he hates the song.
-He thinks David Archuleta is boring.
-He didn't think Sanjaya should have been on the show at all and that America was ignorant for voting for him.
-David Cook didn't give Blake's friends Doxology props when he chose to do their version of "Elenor Rigby."
While I don't necessarily DISAGREE with any of those statements (save for the last one, since it turned out not to be entirely true) I think BShorty needs to can it before the Arch Angels and Fanjayas corner him in a dark alley.
Apparently he (or perhaps a devoted fan posing as him) started getting a little nervous, because the following was posted on rickey.org in response:
Yooooooo…… This is Blake. I usually never got on these things, but want to clear up some things for you all. first. Sanjaya…. I have nothing against this boy, but on the show I was frustrated at his progression. After being on Tour and finding out hes actually a pretty cool kid changed my opinion. Would I have put him on the show, maybe not. Still love the lil dude.
David, David A. and MR. Eze… Now that I have seen all the new season… as of this week. new light has shined. I found out that David Cook did my Boys Doxologys version of Eleanor Rigby and was stoked, but then he gave them no props. Later to find out he did, but the cut it off the show. He and Eze E and my favorites thus far. Just my Alumni Opinion. Kind of rooting for a dude to win it this year. Although Brooke and Carly are holding it down. David A. is as well, when I called him boring it was just out of the fact that I want this kid to do well. He needs to get out of his box. He clearly has mass talent and a killer voice. I just want to see him out of his comfort zone and to get away from his dad for a minute. His dad is nice, I can just see the pressure. Thats all. I’m not a hater. I’m a huge fan of this year. It was one of the best experiences of my life. Its just really SURREAL watching a show you have never seen, that you were on. if anyone of you at anytime want to contact me. I run my myspace and try and check it everyday. http://www.myspace.com/BlakeLewis
I hope you are all well.
Love and happiness - Blake Lewis
Now of course there's no way to prove that Blake was the one to actually post the above, and there are certainly better PR methods to do damage control. But it is interesting that SINCE the post he's done another interview where he elaborated on the Sanjayagate scandal. This time saying that Sanjaya was a "disrespectful little kid" and that he had to lock him up on the tour bus at one point to teach him a lesson. This time however, the hesitance in his voice is apparent, he's much more cautious with his words and he does try to justify his comments, so it would appear that he's wised up somewhat.I have a hard time believing that any of this is actually helping his album sales.
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